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Crying For No Reason, Or For Every Reason?

These last few days I have shed so many tears my face turned pink & blotchy, yet the strange thing is I'm not sure what I have been crying about. The end of June saw the arrival of my son's final day at Pre Pre School. Yes that's Pre Pre School so not even Nursery yet. (I'm not sure how I'm going to cope next year!) At the moment he goes just 2 mornings a week as he's only 3 years old, yet I found myself getting a bit teary at the thought of his last day. When the day in question arrived I had to do my best not to cry in front of the teachers and other parents, so this meant just saying a quick "thank you & goodbye". We had all clubbed together to get the 4 "Aunties" a leaving present though & I had also included my thanks in a gift card from Rowan, so they would know how thankful we were. Rowan started there as a timid little boy, about to turn 3 years old. Although he had always been quite chatty and friendly, that was whe

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